Teaching World Religion
I want my kids to be knowledgeable about the world, other cultures and religions. I want them to know that everyone can have their own beliefs and that it is okay and we respect what other people believe. I want them to know that it is not our place to judge others and what they believe in, just as it is not other peoples place to judge us or our beliefs.
It is hard to decide what to introduce and what not to and at what age. I am not sure where I stand in religion so we do not go to church. I did put them in a church based preschool so they were exposed to the Bible and praying so they know what it is. For each holiday that passes we talk about what it is and what it means to different cultures or religions.
My oldest is at the age where she will begin to notice what other people say and I want her and the younger ones to be able to make their own beliefs. So I am going to teach them about many the religions in our beautiful world, and eventually as they grow, they can decide what they want to believe in.
A wonderful way to introduce the religions I have found are the books by Demi. The reviews are marvelous and they are, for the most part, easy enough for my oldest to understand. As we progress through her school years I will add more detailed lessons but for now these books are wonderful. Check them out below! She also has a bunch of other amazing books!