Making Slime

Making Slime

So my kids finally got me to make slime!

My kids have been asking me to make slime for them since they first saw it being made on youtube. I finally gave in and we made some! Here is what we did. 

The recipe that I found online was very simple! It was just equal parts water, glue, and liquid starch. The picture below shows the glue and liquid starch that I used.

First we added the water and glue together, with some food coloring and little confetti stars...We added too much color and ended up not being able to see the stars...oops lol.

We then added the liquid starch and it started to form together instantly! The image below is about two minutes of stirring. I ended up adding a bit more liquid starch to the mixture to have it completely form together.

Yay! It finally formed!! We had slime fun for hours afterwards, I may have had more fun than the littles haha!

Update: The water had completely separated from the slime the next day, I have made again and omitted the water, it is going into the second week and is still working well!
Super Fun!!